James Cook University

JCU is recognized around the world for its expertise in marine biology, environmental studies, tropical health, and tourism. Our professional coursework programs are accredited by industry and professional associations and many professionals are guest lecturers for our postgraduate programs. Over the past five years, JCU academics have won 31 national awards for teaching excellence from the Australian Teaching and Learning Council - more than many larger universities. JCU rankings:
- Top 4% of the world's 10,000 universities and in the top 100 in the Asia-Pacific region (2011 Shanghai Jiao Tong University Academic Ranking of World Universities).
- Top 5% of universities worldwide based on 2010 assessments by two of the world's leading university ranking systems - the Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Higher Education and Accreditation Council.
- First in the world for citations in the field of coral reef ecology and is in the top three in its fields of research strength in ecology and environment, plant and animal sciences and geosciences.
- Top 12 tourism education institutions in the world and is recognised for its special focus on ecotourism.
Веб сайт: www.jcub.edu.au
- Business
- Professional Accounting
- Information technology
- Tourism & Hospitality Management
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