University Campus Suffolk
UCS two validating universities, the University of East Anglia and the University of Essex, established UCS in 2007, working with Great Yarmouth College, Lowestoft College, Otley College, Suffolk New College and West Suffolk College.
UCS offers an attractive portfolio of courses within the Faculty of Arts, Business and Applied Social Science and the Faculty of Health and Science. Degrees range from Foundation, Honours and Postgraduate, to Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses. UCS currently employs around 200 academics who ensure the institution continues to provide students with a high quality and innovative teaching and learning experience.
The two Faculties are supported by the Offices of Academic Development and Research and Enterprise. Support to the Faculties is also provided by the Directorates of Academic Services, Estates, External Relations and Marketing, Information Technology and Planning and Partnerships.
Веб сайт:
- Accounting and Finance
- Business Management
- Law
- Psychology
- Communication technologies
- Computing and management
- Construction
- Design
- Engineering
- Graphic design
- Hospitality management
- Tourism management
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